
Well, why not?

I hate slinkies. They don't go anywhere. They don't accomplish anything. And a slinky isn't  even fun!

Metal slinkies make a strange whoosh whoosh sound. Plastic slinkies are waaaaay too bright and cheery and are, well, thoroughly disappointing.

As a child, I never played with a slinky. I read a lot, collected rocks,shells and stamps. The makings of a great nerd, I know!

And as an adult, I don't even own a slinky.

So why name my blog Slinky-Like Stealth?

It's easy. A slinky is perceived to be harmless! 

Except for the day the that damn slinky tangles itself onto your pant leg, as you walk down the stairs, while talking on your cell phone, with you laptop bag strapped across your chest. The   day you are15 minutes late and running out the door without your wallet.

And with slinky-like stealth, that damn slinky, stuck itself into your pant cuff, just to make itself known.

If you were to fall down the stairs because of that slinky, you would never, ever forget that damn fucking slinky.

Like the stealthy slinky that made itself known, perhaps one day, this harmless little blog will remind you that it's OK to look at this world with your own eyes.

It's ok to be snarky, silly, childish, playful, angry and that sometimes, its ok to fight back!

Otherwise you will live your life like Silly Putty. A sad existence, where you live in a plastic egg, manipulated until you are pliable enough to copy the most boring section of the newspaper a few times, and then, you are quickly forgotten.

  Live life.   Observe Life.   Laugh a lot.   Make your own Rules.    Fight back!

Dedicated to give you slinky-like observations with a twist,
