Friday, November 5, 2010

"Enyfing on da Floor is Leagly Mine, So Goway"

Why the fuck does this website exist? And it has a books out too? You can go to Amazon and buy a book with super cute pictures of animals with horrible spelling. Shit, Maybe the 3-year old down the street should try to get a book deal. I am sure she can spell better then this piece of crap website.

Have you seen what is on this website?? Super cute pictures of animals. I don't have a problem with cute pictures of animals, the problem I have is the complete lack of use of proper English.

funny puns-enyfing on da floor is leagly mine, so goway

enyfing on da floor is leagly mine, so goway TRANSLATET please!

I don't even know what this says:

Ebberybudy, brake owt ur partay hatz and finger nomz ‘cuz we gonna has one wyld party! Iz Nashunal Cat Day!!! Wat will u b doin to celebrayt ur kittehs? A lil extra nomz? A lil extra catnipz? Mebbe a lil extra of both?! We wish all ob u and all ur kitteh friends teh bestest Nashunal Cat Day ebber!

So what the FUCK!!!! Don't get me wrong I have no problems with other languages, but this is supposed to be English.

funny pictures-yoor barz cant cuntayn meh!!
yoor barz cant cuntayn meh!!

Does anyone see the problem with the above sentence???
can't "cunt"ayn me. HAHAHHAHAHA

I love the English language and I understand if English is your second language, there is going to be more difficulties, but I can't understand fucking it up so bad on purpose. *sigh*



  1. WHAT THE F IS UP WITH KITTENS???? or shall I say, wutdafez upwot ceeteeenns?

  2. That's funny, I seem to recall telling someone YESTERDAY that their spelling sucks and this sort of thing is stupid.

    Sadly, this isn't just for cute kittens anymore. People are actually writing like this.

  3. I can't lie, this shit bothers me to no end, I don't get it???? Its so fucking annoying.
