No doubt, this happen to be one of the WORST movies I have ever seen. This movie was officially the BIGGEST waste of my time yet.
I hate JENNIFER'S BODY because:

This movie is horrid.
I love JENNIFER'S BODY because:
I heart Megan Fox. She's foxy!

To elaborate:
This movie was horrid because it had no plot, no
distinct reason as to what happen to Jennifer and the characters were way off.
They are really only two main characters in this movie, Jennifer played by Megan Fox and our favorite little blond twit Amanda Seigfreid who played a girl named
Look, no cleavage! And Needy, looks, well NEEDY |
Well, the story goes like this, I think. Megan Fox and her friend, played by Amanda Seigfreid, our favorite blonde twit, go see some band at a hole in the wall bar and the lead singer is into satanic crap. The lead singer is played by Adam Brody from the OC.
All of a sudden, the bar catches on fire and no one actually notices until people start catching on fire.
Megan and Amanda happen to make it out safe and Megan ends up taking off with Adam Brody and his band of devil-worshiping freaks to some remote forest to sacrifice her so that they can become famous. No one really knows this till half the movie is over.
Megan Fox comes back as blood sucking, killing, intestinal eating dead girl, and the only reason for this is because she wasn't a virgin. HELL YEA!!!!
Foxy, yeah. Blood Sucking, yeah. BUT NO CLEAVAGE???? |
She starts taking out the boys at her school, makes out with Amanda Siegfried (cuz she's Needy, get it?) The end result is that you are not really sure if all of this really happens cause you see Amanda attacking and killing Megan with a box cutter and her in a mental hospital.
That is it, that is all there is to this movie!
Nothing more.
Nothing even remotely interesting to watch at all.
What is most disappointing is who wrote this film. Her name is Diablo Cody. Why do we know who she is??? She wrote fucking JUNO!!!!!!!!!!! How could Jennifers Body be so fucked up!!!!!!??? Did any of you see Juno??? It was amazing! Jennifers Body, lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On to why I love it:
Diablo Cody, who strips as a hobby, wrote it (as mentioned above) and Megan Fox is in it. But that is about it. Since Megan Fox pukes up a bunch of blood in the beginning of the movie, she kind of turns you off for the rest of the movie.
This was a pointless movie. If you have nothing to do and I mean nothing, meaning you should want to sell your body to crackwhores on the street before watching this movie, then I say go for it. If you have no intention of selling your body to crackwhores, then don't bother.
You want to see a movie thats actually good and funny, with a bunch of intestinal eating dead boys and girls,watch Zombieland.
That's it,