Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Fucked Up Movie Review: Visitor Q (really, really F-ED UP!)

Visitor Q is fucked up. I mean its really, interestingly, fucked up! I watched it once and won't do it again. There are so many things wrong with this movie: Incest, murder, necrophilia, rape, prostitution, and just all around fucked up-ness.

So on that note, here is what I have to say about this movie. Outside of all the taboo stuff that happens in the movie there are real, raw human emotions. Granted, what these emotions lead to is probably not going to happen with most people. 

But you can see where one sets off the other, and so on.

For example, the son beats the shit out of the mother all the time. And you don't really know why till see you how the son is always bullied before and after school. The mom is addicted to Heroin and prostitutes herself out for money to pay for her heroin addiction so that she can deal with the fact that her son beats the shit out of her. Her daughter is a prostitute. Her husband has a mistress that he murders, then has sex with after, and pays to fuck his own daughter.

I told you, Visitor Q is all fucked up! And there is this random guy who keeps hitting people over the head with a rock.....that part, to me, was pointless.

This movie was directed by acclaimed Japanese horror film director Takashi Miike (Ichii The Killer). I have not seen any of his other movies, but my co-contributor Bill D. has. From what I understand, after watching Audition, you won't sleep for weeks. I am not sure I can handle that, I think I will need a cuddle buddy. Raquel, you in???

Anyways, if you can move past the taboo, the movie itself is pretty good. In the end, the parents kill the bullies and the mom and dad get rid of the bodies and the son stops beating the mother and the daughter comes home with so much love in her eyes for her family.

You can Netflix Visitor Q, all subtitled.


This review explains it perfectly:


  1. I'm quite intrigued, although I don't think I'll watch. I'm more into glitter and ponies and getting trashed.

    Is that really the ending though? Like, it has a somewhat happy ending?! Seriously?!

  2. I kinda have an 'Ichii' to watch it (get it, Ichii?)

  3. Amelie, The ending is fucked up too, but it does have a sort of "happy" feel to it. In all, I was glad I opened my mind to watch it, although I would not recommend it to most people. The movie was suggested to me by Bill D. And we all know that he has a dark side to him!!!! I am the girl who loves Romantic comedies, but to be fair to our readers I have been watching all kinds of things that I would not normally even know about.

  4. It's sort of a romantic comedy. I mean apart from being not funny. Like when the Dad gets his dick stuck inside the dead girl and the dead girl subsequently shits all over him (comedy...maybe?) then the Mom comes home and has the brilliant idea to soak them in the tub with warmed olive oil to get him free, and it works. The Dad is so impressed, because it is the first time he has ever seen his wife be competent in anything that he falls in love with her all over again. Then they fuck on the table (reconnection). Then, together, they go kill the kids that are picking on their son (new life working together instead of resenting each other).

    Then after all of this, the kids come back to the parents and the new found home where everyone can get along because they all now are able to stand up to things they don't like.

    See, it's just like a Rom-Com. Get a date and some popcorn and you will be giggling cheerily along the whole time.

    I think the guy with the brick (Visitor Q) was supposed to be the catalyst to change things. They all live this very repressed life and some dude comes along and literally hits you over the head with a brick and you sort of wake up and decide to be a different person. It's the ultra-literal version of the saying "Then it just hit me". You'll notice that after he hits someone, they start acting differently.

    It's better than listening to some girls bitch to each other all the time about how their super-stereotypical boyfriends don't communicate with them the way they would prefer it until the guys just sort of cave in to the nagging and start doing what the bitches say. I'd rather be hit over the head with a brick than see that shit any day.

  5. Oh, and Raquel, you should watch Ichii the Killer. He has these boots with a blade in the back that he cuts people in half with.

    Seriously, the movie is about a guy, with shoes that he kills people with. You will have girl boner, like, the whole time.

    Kind of like when you hang out with me.

  6. A movie about a guy with "killer" shoes? I AM IN!!! Girl Boner in full effect!!!


    It's about pain, and love (in a way). And is, in no way, boring. It's a lot more well known that Visitor Q.

    And here is the cover for Audition

    Raquel, try not to drool too much. If you watch this movie, you will be scarred for life.

  8. Bill, I see what you are saying about being hit over the head. I didn't really get that till now. I have actually heard of Ichii the Killer, which is part of the reason I referenced it in the blog. But this man, you know he does up to 6 movies a year!!! Thats some kick ass dedication right there.
