Wednesday, October 13, 2010

This is going to piss off women everywhere!!!

As the only male contributor to Slinky, I feel I have to say this on behalf of men everywhere.

Women, STOP demanding respect because you are female. Respect is earned, not given because of your genitalia. Men don't owe you anything. Nobody, in fact, owes you anything.

Stop with all the double standard bullshit. If you judge a guy poorly because he didn't buy you a drink or drives an expensive car, yet get upset if someone calls you a whore, you are a hypocrite.

If you are dating a guy and all you do is complain about him to your friends, you are a fucking cunt bitch, and not in a good way. If you don't like the guy, then don't date/marry/sleep with him. Bad mouthing him to your friends every chance you get only shows the rest of the people in the room how shitty of a person you are. Fuck, you people drive me nuts. Bitching him out afterward is okay, so long as you take some responsibility in dating him in the first place.

Stop trying to change a guy after you are dating. It never turns out well. If you think that nagging someone to change him "just a little" is a good idea, then you deserve it when he looses it and fucks the 19 year old babysitter on your 'visitor towels' that nobody is allowed to use then pisses all over your 'fancy dishes' and pays your sister $200 that he stole from you to take naked pictures of her wearing that lingerie you complain about all the time. If you don't like him the way he is, then find another one. There are currently about 3.5 billion men on the planet.

I was watching some youtube comedy videos on line and I noticed a trend. Under "chick comedy", a channel that only shows women comedians, most of them were tragically unfunny. Not that women can't be funny, it's just that most of them talk about the same things. How fat they are, how it's so hard to lose weight and how they can't find a boyfriend or how their boyfriend/husband is so terrible. Guess what, if you are a fat bitch that constantly nags the guy you are with, it's no wonder you can't keep a guy around.

Men are supposed to be men, women are supposed to be women. Stop trying to change men into women because you think that it somehow degrades you if we stand up to pee. It's not my fault you can't write your name in the snow without getting all tired. You have boobs, we have this. We are different and that's okay. Some women actually like that we are manly, to the rest of you, try to be a man and put up with your shit for a week then you will see who is being oppressed.

If you are having an issue with a guy and he doesn't psychically know what is pissing you off for the 500th time that week, yet you refuse to tell him because "he should know what is bothering you and the fact that he doesn't is making it worse" then you deserve to get dumped in front of your mother and your old high school nemesis that is actually 5 pounds thinner than she was when you graduated.

If you start dating someone or get married then gain a bunch of weight, you are a fat pig and you should be okay with him telling you that it's not the jeans that make you look fat, it's the fat that makes you look fat.

If you use sex as a bargaining chip, you are a fucking bitch that deserves the herpes he will inevitably give you after fucking that slutty club girl he met at his friends bachelors party. That sort of manipulation is cruel. If you don't want to fuck him, don't date him. Sex is important.

You know all of those grudges you have been holding onto since you turned 11? The girl that 'stole' your date to the dance, the girl that showed up to the party in the same dress as you and looked better in it than you did, the girl that was rude that one time and acted all stuck up about her new whatever. Let it fucking go. Holding onto a grudge for 30 fucking years is called insanity. Going to your high school reunion to try and show how much better than all the other girls you have turned out is catty and retarded. You all gained weight, none of you turned out as amazing as you thought you would and none of your husbands are so spectacular that everyone is going to stare at you like you are fucking Angelina Jolie or something. Unless you actually are Angelina then this is not worth the effort.

Do you people realize that if you used this energy and effort on something actually productive, the world wouldn't have disease, energy shortages or famine in a single generation? Women have so much shit going on in their heads at all times, yet the majority choose to focus it on stupid crazy shit. Men basically have hungry, horny, and angry yet we have managed to build societies, travel to the moon and seduce women.

If the majority of your movies and literature center around overly emotional topics, often with a picture of some idealistic, yet 2 dimensional, male lead and some woman that is somewhat average yet desirable in her own way, don't expect anyone to think it is anything but trash. Chick movies and chick lit are not great artistic endeavors. If you enjoy them for their trashy appeal, then great for you, but don't expect the rest of us to consider it quality work in order to make you feel better about reading/watching it.

The rest of society does not need to change in order to make you feel better about yourself. It is far easier to go to the gym, read better books, or just be okay with not fitting in, than it is for the entire rest of the world to change for your perceived inadequacies. Every woman has things about herself she doesn't like. If we changed the way society thought about beauty to make all of them feel better, we would explode. Loose some weight, read a book, figure out what clothes would work for your body type. It's not that complicated. With the internet you can get all of the information you need for free. Stop complaining and do something about it. The world is unfair, get used to it. That's fucking life.

Learn to like giving blow jobs. If you expect your partner to actually want to go down on you and spend a lot of time down there, you are a hypocrite if you don't do the same. It is no more degrading to you to do this than it is to us. If you actually like doing it, then you deserve a guy that wants to go down on your for hours on end. If you only do it grudgingly, then you deserve it when he pays that sexually questionable prostitute $30 for a blowie that night you coincidentally come home early with your best friend in tow. Oh, and keep your stuff clean. You don't want him presenting a rancid wang to you. If you are providing a smelly workspace with bits of TP and stubble, don't be surprised when he doesn't give his best work.

If he isn't good in bed, don't complain to your friends endlessly about it. Either help him to get better by communicating what works for you and what doesn't, or dump him. Complaining to others doesn't fix anything.

If he keeps mentioning threesomes and hot girls in passing to you, don't get pissed at him or assume he is saying you are not enough. He is a guy. As guys, we are hardwired to think about sex all the time. If he stops this behavior, then you have to worry.



  2. Raquel, I'm sure that's all a euphemism. I'll open your door, AND I'll pay for your drink all night long.

    I have no problem with opening doors for a girl that is nice to me, or even occasionally paying for drinks and stuff, it's the judgments and demands, like you are entitled to these things. If I was going to buy a girl, I'd get a fucking prostitute. I hate the manipulation and double standards.

  3. Unfortunately, many women have set back feminism about 40 years in the past decade. Sadly, I feel that reality TV has become the strongest influence on young women today-who focus on their appearance, their so-called popularity and their ability to 'get a man' to determine their self-worth.

  4. Agreed with All of the Above :)
