Friday, November 12, 2010

"I like the BIG bone" From our guest writer, Max

A couple weekends ago my fiance and I went shopping for Halloween costumes. We separated and I was in the guy's section. This couple walked over and started looking at the cave-man costumes and all the clubs and bones and props that go along with them. 

Uga! Uga! Me have big stick. Me have big BONE under skimpy skirt.
 The woman looked at one of them and said "I like the big bone."

Bone. Boner. Bonanza!

I was like, WTF? Did she just actually say that? Her boyfriend had no reaction.

I almost had to punch myself in the face to stop from saying "I bet you do." 

OR "It's not the size that matters..."

OR "That's one bone I bet you'd suck clean..."

OR "I bet you could really bury that bone..."

How about my fellow Slinky-Like Stealth Blog writers and readers? What would you have said?