The "kids" aka 19 through twenty-whatvers that hang out at the coffee shop or bookstore with the obviously dirty, ripped skinny jeans, a beanie covering their stringy hair with a braid in it and wannabe Ray Ban sunglasses over their sunken in bloodshot eyes staring into their laptops, talking exclusively about tattoos, so-called indie films and their time at Coachella (which btw was FIVE MONTHS AGO!)....
I've ran into my share, befriended my share, and even fallen for my share. Yeah, I fell for the whole "look at me I'm a new age hippy" deal, thinking I found someone cool with a unique view on life that was fun to date. But it always somehow ends a little like this:

WTF?! Not that any of these flings lasted more than two weeks, but still. I have an idea for all you douchebags. How about you grow up, move out of your parents house, go to school and/ or start working?! And no, your going-nowhere band that plays occasional gigs at the local bar does NOT count as a job!
And it's not just in LA. Hell, it's not even just in the States. It's a worldwide epidemic. Browsing through Facebook one day I came across a link to this video that made me feel not so alone in my efforts of de- douchebaggery but since it's from across the pond, they used the word "Dickhead" in place of "Douchebag"... you know, like how they say "fag" instead of "cigarette"? Enjoy.
(PS ignore the part about being a blogger, because we all know that's actually cool)
I wouldn't classify these people as douchebags. I would dickhead fits pretty well.
ReplyDeleteTo me, a D-Bag is a person so in love with themselves for absolutely no reason. They have really high self esteem and just do and wear what is commercially popular because they are incapable of actually figuring something out for themselves.
Like these people.
That's my idea of a bag anyways.
Haha thanks, I checked out the site and it's pretty hilarious.
ReplyDeleteYou may be right, I need to come up with a proper name for the above mentioned then because they do have the same self loving, egotistical behaviors as the douchebags you describe.
The people I'm talking about only seem to think they are so incredibly deep because they write poetry and look like they are homeless yet spend way too much time primping. Hmm, any ideas?
I usually call them "fucking Morons" but that may not be specific enough. We do need another term.
ReplyDeleteSadly, I know so many of these people.
Hollywood hipster wanna be actors who can't seem to get art or music and are too self involved to even appreciate the coffee that they aren't drinking at Starbucks. Oh wait, Starbucks coffee sucks anyways!
ReplyDeleteStarbucks, the McDonalds of coffee.
ReplyDeleteI think you hit the nail on the head there Ape, the only thing is that hipster is something that sounds cool. I feel it coming to me...
How about Hollywood Dickhead? Combo of the two and not too general. We (I believe for the most part) live in LA so we can feel comfortable labeling them as such.
ReplyDeleteBut how can label them as Hollywood Dickheads, when they are from all over? Perfect example, Jersey Shore. Just Sayin