Monday, October 4, 2010

Don't Panic: Taint Panang

Go ahead.

Snicker like a five year old.

PANANG sounds dirty.

It sounds like taint to me.

Thanks to the Mensa enlightened folks at, taint is:

"The area between the asshole and the nutsack that prevent a man from shitting on his nuts."

Panang is a Thai curry dish.

Thai dish full of delicious meat. FULL o MEAT!

I have eaten Panang. It's delicious. It has cocoNUT MILK, peaNUTS, FISH sauce.

People? Anyone else thinks it's funny?

I am sorry if I tainted your Panang. But Panang sounds like taint. And I KNOW it taint so!

Which leads me to ask the burning question: What IS Marilyn Manson signing about in "Tainted Love"?

I betcha it's about PANANG.

Don't panic: It Taint Panang.

Love you MM,



  1. I just remembered how much I love Marilyn Manson. Taint and all.

  2. I used to work with these guys that always wanted to go to this Vietnamese Restaurant. I'm sure it was good Vietnamese food, but I have food issues. I need to know what's in it.

    So, ordering from a menu that isn't in English I couldn't help but think. "Am I eating partially ejaculated tiger penis?" It probably wasn't, but you don't know for sure.

    And from then on, if you were to ask me "Have you ever eaten partially ejaculated tiger penis?" I couldn't, for sure, answer no. And I feel that has detracted from my life's possibilities in some way.
