Wednesday, December 1, 2010

****OFFICIALLY*****Introducing Sadie

Sadie. *sigh*

She is the author of such gems as:

I say NO to your pupa!

Letter to my nut job boss *read when you are mad at your boss, it will bring sunshine and rainbows to your day*

I have hinted at my fear of Sadie several times. This is not drug-induced, sleep deprived, espresso-accentuated paranoia. See, I know Sadie pretty well. She is dazzling and keen. Her sharp wit and gleaming eyes are fetching. But don't be hypnotized by her feminine wiles. I know that inside she is an angry little girl, who kills bugs and mercilessly stomps on egos with her little mary-jane's.

Readers, followers, friends, please welcome Sadie  and her black, evil, little heart to Slinky-like Stealth Blog.



PS: This may or may not be my last post. If it is...than Sadie killed me. I secretly think she is the next American Psycho. If she did kill me, my shoe collection goes to Taylor, my nail polishes to Amelie, my stockings to Bill D., my machete to Max and my mustache to Margot. 


  1. Thanks for the shoes Raquel... where's my introduction? Playing favorites I see! I hope Sadie kills u cause I love your stilettos. Kidding of course. XOXOXOXOXOXO

  2. what? Bill doesn't want my machete?
